Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should

I’ve been brainstorming all week, and I’ve really felt like I’d hit a road block when it came to writing another blog.  That was until my very best friend acted as a muse of sorts and sent home a point I think is important in all of our lives. “You posted WHAT on your Facebook?”
Seriously, we all do it, think that our Facebook is a place where we can post whatever we like, and we sometimes forget that we have friends from all different backgrounds. Sometimes your ex box doesn’t actually want to see a fully unclothed woman (well maybe he does, but trust me not one giving birth). Yet it happens every day, and we don’t even think twice about it. 
As parents we try to teach our children discretion, compassion, and manners. Yet, often as adults we fall so very short of this in the little virtual worlds we have created.  Social media, and Voyeurism have taken such a hold on our society that we’ve lost a lot of the values we hold so near and dear to our hearts.  Words we wouldn’t utter in public for fear of judgement are suddenly plastered like wall paper over our virtual “homes”. Do we really think people have stopped judging our words and actions, can we really condone this behavior for ourselves when we know we wouldn’t dare allow our children to behave the same?
I for one know I wouldn’t shout the word penis out in the mall during holiday shopping (though I’ve considered it when people were in my way...everyone moves out of the crazy person’s way), or drive down the street with that special four letter word painted in neon colors on the side of my car. But oh, what I won’t post on my Facebook page for all to see.  It’s hard to swallow the idea that something you find innocuous could be hurtful to someone you care about despite your best intentions. 
(see this post really is so much better than holiday crafts and baking)
Of all the things I want to leave my children, the legacy of respect, boundaries, manners and empathy are very close to the top.  What I don’t want to leave them with, is the idea that we can use social media to anonymously  force our opinions or ideas onto other people.  I also plain just don’t want them putting crazy things out there so people wonder what kinda parents they have anyway. Let’s face it, my 2 year old can already operate a lap-top and start her own Netflix movies. I’m thinking it’s only a few months before she has a Facebook page with posts that read, “I hate you, and spinach because you don’t like me.”

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What the child says, he has heard at home. - African Proverb


To understand your parents' love you must raise children yourself.
- Chinese Proverb


"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie
for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie."
-Tenneva Jordan